Global Warming: Only Partially True

1.0 Introduction That the Earth has been warming steadily for the past few centuries and intermittently for over 10,000 years is incontrovertible fact. However, there have been a number of asser-tions about global warming that are half-truths or outright falsehoods....

Fundamental Processes

Updated 9/21/17 for typos and the NOAA “reanalysis” of the temperature plateau. Fundamental Climate Processes To understand how the Greens have fallen down the rabbit hole, I need to run through a quick description of basic Earth processes as they relate...

Geologic History

updated 9/21/17: typos and eliminated some redundancy to other posts. Geologic History of the Earth with Respect to Climate The geological history of the Earth places the Greens in a very unflattering perspective. That history is full of facts that the Greens do not...

The Keystroke Fetish

The Keystroke Fetish. There is a fundamental assumption that pervades the software industry today: Productivity is directly improved by reducing developer keystrokes. Clearly the paradigm shift from Assembly language to 3GLs in the early ‘60s reduced keystrokes by...

The Demon ASCII

With the growth of the Internet that started in the mid-‘80s came an attendant growth in networking. That introduced a rapidly increasing need for applications to share data and interact with one another across platforms. The problem was that the hardware vendors...

OO Development Problems

The OO paradigm held great promise in the ‘80s because it provided a much more direct link between the customer space and the computing space due to problem space abstraction. And, in fact, it has substantially improved the maintainability of software. I once...

OO Infrastructures

Today every vendor of an infrastructure brands it as “object-oriented”. In fact, the vast majority of infrastructures are – if one is in a very charitable mood – just object-based. If one is in a less than charitable mood, they are just function libraries where...

OOP-based Agile Development

First, let me say that the Agile processes institutionalized a number of excellent ideas in software development – pair programming for reviewing the product, incremental development to properly manage and estimate projects, integrating testing with development,...

Software Education

One cannot talk about the problems of the software industry without talking about software education. Years ago I was working on a process improvement activity. The goal was to improve our interviewing techniques for June Grads. We did a typical matrix of qualities we...

Ages 6-8

I was born on the March 20, 1938, which is the first day of Spring. Some say that childhood makes the man. I would like to think that’s a crock because I was an odious child. In fact, I can recall wishing I could grow up so I wouldn’t be so obnoxious. The fact that I...